Festo AG & Co. KG

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Slowakei (slowakische Republik), Tschechische Republik, Slowenien


ACHEMA Pulse 2021: On the way to a climate-neutral production with automation and digitalisation?

Automation and digitalization can play an important role in increasing energy efficiency and reducing the carbon emissions from production processes. The latter is highly relevant to achieving the target agreed to by the EU countries of a 40% overall reduction in greenhouse gases in 2030 compared to 1990. In this live session, we will discuss the following topics: • Monitoring air consumption in brownfield facilities. A first and easy step that operators can take to unlock the benefits of digitalization and learn how to leverage cloud solutions to optimize their production facilities. • Festo Energy Services: How good is your compressed air generation and distribution? Besides eliminating leaks, what else can you do to optimize compressed air utilization and cut costs? • New intelligent digital field components can both save energy when using pneumatic actuators and also ensure that the full power of the actuators is available when needed. • Easily calculate ROI for new technologies. We’ll show you how easy it is to assess whether or not an investment makes sense based on your ROI boundaries. Use cases show how to evaluate life cycle costs associated with alternative technologies. • Artificial intelligence and especially machine learning algorithms can easily analyze existing production processes and their performance at the edge. By detecting anomalous component behavior, these tools help prevent unplanned shutdowns, resulting in increased productivity and reduced carbon emissions. Speaker: Dr. Eckhard Roos | Head of Global Industry Segment and Key Account Management Process Industries

Festo in Antriebstechnik






