6-Year-Old Rescued Thanks to Thermal Drone Operator | FLIR Systems

Thanks to this experienced thermal drone operator, a 6-year-old was found and rescued in October 2019. Check out the whole story: https://bit.ly/39Pyuht On October 15th, 2019, 6-year-old Ethan Haus ran off after school to play with the family dog and went missing for over 10 hours in the woods of central Minnesota. More than 700 local volunteers came out to help search for the lost boy - among them pilot, photographer, and thermal drone operator Steve Fines. When Fines checked Twitter that evening, he saw that the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Department had sent out a message that a local boy had gone missing. “They were asking for volunteers to come help. I live about 15 miles from there, and obviously had a drone with a thermal camera, and knew that was the best tool for the job,” Fines says. “So I packed up everything and went.” Read more: https://bit.ly/39Pyuht






