Certificate-based Authentication in Vehicle Diagnostics - What is Possible in UDS and AUTOSAR?

Welcome to our first episode in a short series on the state-of-the-art for securing in-vehicle diagnostics. This video will show how the new authentication capability is defined by international standards from ISO, and what is in scope for ECU software based on the #AUTOSAR standard. Learn how Vector tools allow you to work with this new technology, in a way that protects your secrets. Make sure to come back for our next video where we will demonstrate the technology, and our support for it. Please ask in the comments, or contact your local Vector office if you would like further information! More information on Vector diagnostic tools: https://www.vector.com/diagnostics Contact information: https://www.vector.com/contact Get notified when we release new videos by subscribing to our channel https://vector.com/youtube and hitting the notify bell.






