Virtual Factory Acceptance Tests | KROHNE

Traditionally this task was carried out by an Inspector physically visiting the factory, now however, KROHNE UK has developed a process so that Calibration & Product Checks can be done remotely via a ‘Virtual Inspection’. During the process, a qualified KROHNE operator will guide you through a Virtual Meeting via a Live Video Conference Call where you can view your flowmeter in real-time, and interact with the operative just as you would normally. KROHNE has a wide range of Calibration Rigs and is the Coriolis manufacturer with the largest calibration rigs available in the market. ‘Pressure Testing’ can also be conducted Virtually in a similar way, with the same level of operator interaction with the test results being made in real-time for your direct approval. Once the Inspection is complete, your Documentation will be sent to you electronically for your final sign-off before your order is dispatched. Supporting our customers and providing the best service possible is at the heart of everything that KROHNE does and in today’s challenging times, it’s a task that we’re meeting head-on! Virtual Remote Inspections save you the time and expense of having to make the trip in person – without having to compromise on quality or interaction so if you want find out more, or to arrange your own Virtual Factory Acceptance Test. Please contact your local KROHNE representative for further details. More information about KROHNE:






