DAMM – The Digital Archive of Mathematical Models

DAMM, the Digital Archive of Mathematical Models, is a free and open research infrastructure offered by the TU Dresden. It provides access to a growing number of collections worldwide. https://mathematical-models.org * About DAMM: Material mathematical models are typically hidden treasures in secluded scientific collections. DAMM aims to make them accessible to a broad audience for research and teaching purposes. Mathematicians, engineers, architects, designers, historians, artists, and amateurs are welcome to browse the collections, discover inspiring artefacts, and observe insightful connections across borders and eras. DAMM is run by the research group GMV at the TU Dresden. https://tu-dresden.de/mn/math/geometrie/lordick?set_language=en * About the video clip: Concept: Daniel Lordick, Carsten Ress, Muhamer Mustafa Camera: Muhamer Mustafa, Carsten Ress Editing: Carsten Ress Animation of the Website: Muhamer Mustafa Music: Audionetwork Production: Carsten Ress, https://www.sonarixfilm.de/ This project is part of the TU Dresden's Institutional Strategy, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments. * Models in order of appearance: Helicoid with geodesic lines (Alexander Brill/G. Herting), Munich, 1882. Fractal cube, iteration level four (Daniel Lordick), Dresden, 2005. Minimal polyhedral model of Boy's surface, version 1 (Ulrich Brehm), Dresden, 1995. Wulff shape: sphere (Axel Voigt, Rainer Backofen, Florian Stenger), Dresden, 2018. Oblique open helicoid (Tina Trompter), Dresden, 2015. Two equidistant interlocking circles of equal radius forming a torus under rotation (Graf/Emde). Helix with its tangents, principal normals and binormals (Stoll), Berlin, ca. 1960. Y-fractal after ten iterations (Daniel Lordick), Dresden, 2005. Catenoid, turned from wood (G. Herting), Munich, 1882. Envelope of surface normals of a hyperboloid of one sheet (Walther von Dyck), Munich, 1877. Parabolic ring cyclide of Dupin (Sebastian Finsterwalder), Munich, 1885. Tangent surface of a 4th order space curve (Karl Rohn), Dresden, 1892. Ruled surface derived from a sculpture by Henry Moore (Robert Megel), Dresden, 2016. Rotational hyperboloid of one sheet turned and illuminated in the style of a cinematographic apparatus by Hermann von Baravalle (origin unknown), ca. 1960.






