Technology Forum 2019 - Get the glare out! New polarized sensors paired with LED lighting solutions

Vortrag beim Technologieforum Bildverarbeitung 8./9.10.2019 in Unterschleißheim (Deutschland) Referent: James Gardiner, Metaphase Technologies Inc. *** Presentation at the Machine Vision Technology Forum 8-9 October 2019 in Unterschleissheim (Germany) Speaker: James Gardiner, Metaphase Technologies Inc. Polarization has become a hot trend in machine vision with the launch of Sony’s polarized sensor series with many camera manufacturers embracing the technology. While polarized sensors and cameras can help make polarization easy, you need more than a polarized sensor or camera to have a perfect polarized image. Polarized lighting can make or break a polarized image. Techniques such as cross polarization and different lighting styles that help a user produce the best polarized image. We will go in depth how polarized lighting works and how it interacts with Sony’s polarized sensor. In the presentation we will go in-depth on Sony’s Polarized sensors and best practices on paring Metaphase polarized LED illumination, and the application that can solved using polarization technology. Visit our website for more information:






