The undisputed world class expansion valve turns 25

Danfoss invented the TU valve 25 years ago. Since then, we have produced more than 15 million of the best expansion valves in the world. ”You can vibrate, you can bend, you can stretch – it will not break,” says Ejner Kobberø Andersen, Senior Product Director, Expansion Function, about the TU valve which can celebrate its 25 years anniversary – undisputed and uncopyable. Read more about the the 25th anniversary: ”People are trying to catch up and we have had some that have tried to copy it. But, so far, without any success,” Ejner Kobberø Andersen says. 25 years ago, it was quite spectacular when Danfoss built a fully-automatic factory for the TU valve. And the thermostatic expansion valve in stainless steel continues to stay at the technological forefront – ready to work with all future refrigerants. ”The valve has proven its superior reliability and also has an unmatched performance in some of the critical applications that require precision cooling. So, combining the fact and high reliability plus high performance that is unmatched even after 25 years it continues to stay relevant,” says Product Manager Arpit Sharma.






