HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH



Safety Lifecycle Management: Bleiben Sie auf Kurs

Mit Safety Lifecycle Management von HIMA sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Anlage sicher läuft und dauerhaft verfügbar bleibt – in allen Lifecycle-Phasen. Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten. Als Betreiber stehen Sie vor einer besonderen Herausforderung: Ihre Anlage soll maximal profitabel und zugleich die sich ständig verändernden Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen. Die Experten von HIMA unterstützen Sie dabei: mit umfassenden Services und einzigartigem Know-how im Bereich Safety Lifecycle Management. Die HIMA-Spezialisten stehen in jeder Lifecycle-Phase an Ihrer Seite, beginnend mit der Bewertungs- und Spezifikationsphase. Unsere Ingenieure schulen Ihr Team und helfen Ihnen dabei, die passenden Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) für Ihr Projekt auszuwählen. In der Design- und Technikphase erstellen wir dann gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen detaillierten SIL-Prüfbericht und führen einen Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Ihres Sicherheitssystems durch: Direkt vor Ort richten unsere Experten das Sicherheitssystem ein und überprüfen es im laufenden Betrieb auf volle Funktionsfähigkeit. Doch Ihre HIMA-Partnerschaft bietet noch mehr Vorteile. Sobald Ihr System läuft, versorgen wir Sie mit Betriebsplänen und Wartungsservices. So betreiben Sie Ihre Anlage auch zukünftig rundum zuverlässig. Profitieren Sie dabei von Softwareupdates, einer 24-Stunden-Support-Hotline und vielem mehr. Sollten Sie Ihre Anlage zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt modernisieren, optimieren oder erweitern, passen unsere Ingenieure das Sicherheitssystem entsprechend an. So bleiben Sie immer auf sicherem Kurs. Genauso unterstützen wir Sie dabei, wenn Sie Altsysteme ersetzen möchten: Die HIMA-Experten begleiten die Stilllegung und sorgen für einen reibungslosen Prozess, der zu jedem Zeitpunkt alle geltenden Standards erfüllt. Sie möchten die Anlagenverfügbarkeit erhöhen? Auch dabei helfen wir gerne: mit einer einzigen Sicherheitsstrategie, flexibel anwendbar auf alle Ihre Anlagen. Mit HIMA als erfahrenem Partner an Bord erleben Sie keine unangenehmen Überraschungen mehr und bleiben immer auf Kurs. Für weitere Informationen über die Safety Lifecycle Services besuchen Sie unsere Website: https://www.hima.com/de/produkte-services/safety-lifecycle-services HIMA ist Ihr Experte für industrielle Sicherheit und einer der weltweit führenden Safety-Spezialisten. Entdecken Sie, was Smart Safety bedeutet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W98qy4BNr6I&feature=youtu.be



Safety Lifecycle Management: How to Stay on Course

Safety Lifecycle Management by HIMA offers continuous process safety and reliability services as well as expert consulting throughout all phases of a plant’s lifecycle. Balancing the productivity and safety of a plant can be difficult enough as a plant manager. With their extensive knowledge and experience in safety lifecycle management, HIMA’s experts provide solutions. During the assessment and specification phase, HIMA safety experts are with you right from the outset to offer training and assistance in choosing the appropriate safety instrumented functions. Throughout the design and engineering phase, we also help find solutions for your needs and perform a factory acceptance test (FAT). Your plant requires installation and commissioning assistance and HIMA experts are on-site to ensure a smooth start-up. For validation, we perform a site acceptance test (SAT) to make sure the system works and provides functional safety. And our partnership doesn’t end there. Once your system starts running, we provide operation and maintenance plans so that your system runs reliably. This even includes software updates, as well as a 24-hour support hotline, making us just a phone call away. As you update, so will we. During the modification phase, HIMA optimizes and modifies your plant safety system to stay compliant with safety standards and your needs. Finally, HIMA experts are once again right there with you to analyze the effects of decommissioning old systems, keeping you safe and compliant. As a plant manager, you may need help to minimize downtime. HIMA can be your partner through all phases, providing a safety strategy that is adaptable to all plants. This means no more unwanted surprises. Stay on course with HIMA. For more information about our Safety Lifecycle Services, visit: https://www.hima.com/en/products-services/safety-lifecycle-services HIMA is your expert in industrial safety and one the world’s leading safety specialists. Discover what Smart Safety means: https://youtu.be/W98qy4BNr6I



Smart Safety: What the New Era of Functional Safety Means for You.

Digitization is changing safety. With more processes and systems being interconnected, the approach to remaining safe must evolve. This is where the concept of Smart Safety comes into play. Regardless of what industry you work in, it is vital to protect the environment, facilities, and, above all, people. Products from HIMA such as HIMax and HIMatrix don’t just achieve this increased level safety, but also enable you to operate more profitably. You can rest assured that you meet all safety requirements and standards, enabling you to focus on your core business. HIMA is there to guide you and your business through digital transformation. As increasingly more plants, applications, and systems are becoming connected and many processes are running by themselves, you need reliable protection, even when standards change. Our experience in cyber-security and digital safety solutions make us the perfect partner to keep you safe in the digital age. To find out more about the concept of Smart Safety, visit: https://www.hima.com/en/ Or to learn more about HIMA products and services, visit: https://www.hima.com/en/products-services/ And to find out which industries we keep safe, visit: https://www.hima.com/en/industries-solutions/ HIMA is the world’s leading smart safety provider. Subscribe to our channel for regular updates on functional safety in a wide range of industries. Discover Smart Safety for yourself in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W98qy4BNr6I



The 5 Biggest Hazards in Pipeline Management Part 2 – Corrosion

Pipeline management and control (PMC) can be a real challenge – especially if your oil and gas pipelines span many kilometers. HIMA FlexSILon PMC Hybrid helps you safeguard your pipelines. Pipeline corrosion is a gradual and inevitable process. But, if left unchecked, it can lead to catastrophic pipeline failures and major leakages. Pipeline operators need to be able to quickly detect and respond to such incidents – or they run the risk of incurring considerable costs and damages. The HIMA FlexSILon PMC Hybrid solution helps you minimize the consequences of pipeline incidents. It is the world’s first hybrid safety solution to combine leak detection and emergency shutdown, helping you protect your pipelines against the top hazards. You can quickly identify, locate, and respond to leaks causes by pipeline corrosion – and significantly reduce the resulting costs. Want to see more about pipeline hazards? Subscribe to our channel and make sure you don’t miss the upcoming videos in this series. In part one of this series, we covered pipeline theft. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKMUBdLfaIo For more details on HIMA solutions for pipeline management and control, visit: https://www.hima.com/en/industries-solutions/pipelines-pmc/ HIMA is one the world’s leading safety specialists. Discover what Smart Safety means for the process industry and the rail sector in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W98qy4BNr6I







